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To start building up the fleet, we developed an automatic tile grouting robot

This robot boosts productivity 5x

Industrial partners

Tested at 15 construction projects across Singapore with our clients adding up to 40% of the local market.

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We are hiring!

We are based in US, Asia and Europe. We are looking for brilliant people in  business development and mechanical, electrical and software engineering. Full-time, interns and remote.

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We are hiring!

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Mechanical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Software/ML Engineering

Reinforcement learning Engineering

Reinforcement learning Research

Creating a future where robot development takes days, not years.

Simulation is faster

than prototyping

We envision a platform that revolutionizes robot development by transforming your environment and task descriptions into custom hardware designs. Our system rapidly generates numerous designs and evaluates each one by fine-tuning the foundation model with reinforcement learning.

Custom hardware design minimizes the price and complexity of each robot. Learned optimal control maximizes efficiency.

15 mins of training on a

single GPU

Learned grouting arbitrary room

Building the platform requires a large fleet of robots to learn on

We envision a platform that revolutionizes robot development by transforming your environment and task descriptions into custom hardware designs. Our system rapidly generates numerous designs and evaluates each one by fine-tuning the foundation model with reinforcement learning.

Custom hardware design minimizes the price and complexity of each robot. Learned optimal control maximizes efficiency.

Creating a future where robot development takes days, not years.

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